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RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - valdo - 12-06-2012

(12-06-2012, 14:43 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Hiljuti müüdi jällegi ühte ilusat pilti ja jällegi näppasin selle ilma häbi tundmata ka siia teemasse pistmiseks.

Pilt on ilus Smile
Kõlbab tulevasse jalgrattamuuseumi aukohale paigutamiseks Wink

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - kass - 27-01-2013

Aega on jällegi läinud, keegi asja arendanud pole, olukord on stabiilne. Varem oli foorumis keegi Valdo, kes oli igati Eesti jalgrattaajaloo huviline, tänaseks on ta kuhugi kadunud, ilmselt "tervenenud", st sellest foorumisebimisest väljakasvanud, muutunud jöllegi normaalseks inimeseks.
Vahepeal olen ise jällegi eetrist näpanud mõned pildid, mis teemaga kaudselt mingitpidi haakuvad. Näiteks üks pilt, kus mundrimehed (tõsi küll.põhitegijad juba ilma mundrita) jalgratastega kiirestisõitu üritavad ette võtta. Kes nad on ja miks nad seda teevad, mina ei tea. Panin ka Rindelehe foorumisse selle pildi küsimisega üles, vastuseid muidugi ei tulnud. Pildil on ka 2 Vabadusristi kavaleri, aga ka sealt ei tule mingit infot. (Isegi 2 vabadusristi kavaleri ei õnnestu sageli pildi (hea foto) järgi identifitseerida, kuigi neid ei ole eriti palju, aga hiljuti sealsamas Rindelehe foorumis sai seda tõdetud).
Kokkuvõtvalt siis, sõjamehed sõidavad velodega võidu

Siis üks pilt varasemast ajast, nagu ksf! Manic jällegi Rindelehe foorumis dateeris, vahemikust 1919-20 (ajalehe Vaba Maa päise järgi dateeritud). 2 eesti sõjaväe sõdurit jalgratastega, milledel relvade jaoks lausa kinnituskronsteinid näivad olevat. Saksa kuulipilduja, ilmselt Bergmanni 1915 aasta mudel (nagu jällegi pakkusid Rindelehe spetsialistid, ilmselt ta seda ongi, kuigi veidi omapärane, igal juhul peaks ikkagi saksa relv olema) ja vene karabiin. Jalgrattad on mõlemad üsna ühte nägu ja "inglise tüüpi" tegu. Iseenesest huvitav asi, mitte suvalised tallapressid sõjameeste käes vaid lausa spetsialiseeritud rattad, ühte tegu ja relvakinnituse klambritega.

Siis veel 2 pilti, näpatud sealt, kuhu pildil olev kiri viitab. Nagu teada, Kaitseväes olid suusk-ratturid, üks pilt siis meestest suuskadega ja omapäraste vormidega, mida teistel, tavapärastel kaitseväe sõjameestel ei olnud (nokamütsid ja kuued), üsna salapärane teema ka selle ala spetsialistidele, nii vähe, kui neid meil on.
sõdrid ratastega
sõdrid suuskadega

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - aavu - 28-01-2013

(27-01-2013, 23:47 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Kes nad on ja miks nad seda teevad, mina ei tea

Esireas vasakult neljas on kindlasti TV-st tuntud Vahur Kersna!!!

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - Ostap Bender - 28-01-2013

Ja-jah, see mees kes kummi pumbata ei märka.

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - Soobel - 28-01-2013

(28-01-2013, 15:27 PM)kass Kirjutas:  
(28-01-2013, 12:05 PM)aavu Kirjutas:  
(27-01-2013, 23:47 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Kes nad on ja miks nad seda teevad, mina ei tea

Esireas vasakult neljas on kindlasti TV-st tuntud Vahur Kersna!!!

Nojah, nüüd oskan mina ka vaadata, lisaks ju Ivar Vigla ka tema kõrval, prill ninal. Kohe näha, et vanad sõbrad....
Rannamäed näha ei ole. Ju siis on Lenini pähe pokri püütud.

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - d99wipe - 09-08-2015

Hello! I'm sorry for posting in english!

I stumbled across this site by accident so I am also sorry for this necropost, but I think this may be on interrest.

I collect and study Swedish army bikes and I was interrested to learn that Estonia used Wiklund bikes!

At the time of the Estonian Wiklunds, the Swedish army was using the M/30. Actually the m/30 was a great number of different bikes bought from all large manufacturers in sweden and they differ wildly. The manufacturers were allowed to sell models from their current catalogue, which changed over the 12 years of the m/30 until it was replaced by the m/42.

In among these were Wiklunds.

I have one of these Wiklunds, which may be of interrest for the forum.

It is not an identical model to the estonian one, primarilly it has a different saddle and different mudguards. Furthermore, the Estonian Wiklunds seem to have been chromed while this one originally was all blued (yes blued steel, like on weapons!)

The rims are, like on the Estonian bicycles, 622 or 28 x 1 5/8, which is a very rare dimension in Sweden. They accept ordinary wired on tyres but it looks like they may also work with beaded (vulst as you and we say) tyres.

The front light, tool box and rack were separately issued with every bike and is not model specific.

To me it seems the frame, bell (!), wheels & crank parts may be the same as on the Estonian Wiklund and the handle bar just missing the fixture for the spoon brake. Spoon brakes were rarely used in sweden after around 1920 and I have never seen one on an m/30

Some pictures:

Here you can see the saddle post which shows the blued original finish. All of the bike barring the spokes are blued like this including the bell and the saddle.

Sadly, the m/30 is extremely rare these days and I do not believe I have ever seen the exact same model twice, so finding another one is probably almost impossible..

Just to illustrate, here is another m/30 from the bicycle instruction from 1943. It is a Wiklund, but it seems to be a completely different one! (the illustration is intended to show how a mortar tube could be carried on a bicycle, if you are curious)

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - kass - 11-08-2015

Hello, Pete!  Welcome to forum and thanks for the info!
There are a lot of small-talk in this topic and a little serious info. There is a photo from November 1928 with the Wiklunds bicycles in Estonian Army, this is the earliest date what I have seen. It seems, that there was at least 2 lots/sets of Wiklunds army bicycles in Estonian army. All photos, what I have seen are with the earliest bicycles and I don´t know any preserved bicycle or frame of this type. From the other, latest type, we know 3 frames with nr. H13369, H13398, H13463 but I haven`t seen this type in photos (the chain-wheel / sprocket with the letters AWMV and with the spoon brakes actuator stem in the  handlebars tube like M42 has).
Yes, the Estonian army bicycles had chrome (or nickel? the earliest type?) - plated details and wheels for vulst-tires (as all Estonian bicycles and bicycles made for export to Estonia). How many Wiklunds bicycles the Estonian Army had - we don´t know, but there must be some numbers in archives. In 1940/41 Soviet Red Army took over the property of Estonian Army and we don´t know, what happened with the main quantity Wiklunds bicycles. We continue to study the story about Wiklunds army bicycles in Estonia!

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - d99wipe - 12-08-2015

Hello! Thank you!

Well, google translate gave me the gist of the thread, very interresting indeed! Personally I don't mind small talk.

I didn't understand that there were two issues of wiklunds in estonia so the pictures of wrecks were a little puzzling. Now there is at least a brother of the early one available for study. Are you sure that the early Estonian wiklund was chromed? I have seen from the pictures of the wrecks of the late one that the late ones were, but as there are only black and white photographs of the early one, is it not possible that it too was blued like mine? Blued steel would turn out quite bright in a black and white photograph..

1928 is a very interresting date for me. I have found that dating my bicycle is a bit difficult. It has some very early features, but so does the one from the manual. If the old estonian wiklunds were around in 1928, and mine seems to be basically a (very) slightly updated model it ties in well with around 1930, giving the one from the manual plenty of room to be early but still later.

Seeing as my bicycle seems to have vulst-capable rims, it is interresting to think that the reason it has its unusual shape may be due to the fact that it was designed with the Estonian army in mind to begin with!

I was rather perplexed at the star shaped gear when I found the bicycle. My (weak) theory is that Wiklund turned to 1/8" chains in 1915, at the same time switching to the AWMV gear. When 3/16" was requested by the army they may have used surplus parts from pre 1915. ~1900-1915 wiklunds did use star gears:
It seems from the one in the manual and the late estonian ones that they turned to AWMV gears for military bicyces later, perhaps once the stars ran out. If this theory holds, transport wiklunds of the 20's should have star gears as they would have been fitted with 3/16" chains.

I can tell you that it is a wonderful bicycle to ride. I think the crank may have roller bearings, but in any case the feel with that robust chain is absolutely solid. They are also very heavily geared so they are really fast, but tricky to get up a hill. I have a single speed Monark racer from 1938 which is less heavily geared!

If there are any details any of you want me to research on my bike, don't hesitate to ask!

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - kass - 15-08-2015

Head pildid Rindelehe foorumist Ratsarügemendi suusk-jalgratturitest aastast 1931,

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - illi123 - 10-10-2015
Siin on rattaid vähem ja mehi rohkem, aga rattaid näeb küllalt lähedalt ja tagantpoolt - vähe esineva rakursi all. Seal on näha mingeid kotte-rakmeid rataste küljes. Võibolla oli see tollal kasutatud kergekuulipilduja Madsen torude ja salvede veoks? Näha on ka rattanumbreid. Tähed numbri ees näitasid maakonda, kus ratas registreeriti. Aga kaitseväe ratastel oli see "K". Huvitav kas mõni selline numbrimärk K-ga on ka säilinud või rändasid nad kõik hiljem kaitseväe varadega Venelandi?
 See on aastast 1930. aastal ilmselt kusagil 2. diviisi laagris Võru- ja Petserimaal laagris.
Siin on üks foto, mis tehtud Tallinnas Tondil Sõjakoolis. Aastat täpselt pole teada, pakun et millalgi 1930. aastate algul. Taustal näha olev 1924. aasta mässukatses hukkunud kadettide mälestussammas pandi püsti 1928.

RE: EW Kaitseväe jalgrattad - s2si - 20-02-2022

Kuna ksf! kassitapp tundis teises teemas huvi kuhu kõik põhulõuad on foorumist kadunud, siis annan teada, et ka meie jälgime aktiivselt tormilisi arenguid foorumi velomaastikul. Lisan ühe tilga vett merre ka pildi näol, mille moluraamatust leidsin