ei tunne ennast koduselt nii vanade autode vallas, kuid miskipärast on mul selline tunne, et tegu on ühega 4\'st
Tidaholmi toodetud \"private cars\'ist\" ... mudelit ei tea öelda. kunagi kuulsin ühtteist sellest rootsi veokite ja busside tootjast firmast ja kiire googeldamine andis sellise lehe:
selle kasuks räägib ka see, et kõnealusel pildil ei nähtud käiguvahetust ja signaali seal kus need olema pidanuks selle aja autodel ning sellelt googeldatud lehelt jäi silma, et \"gearshift was placed near the steering...\" nii et
aga igatahes, minu pakkumine on Tidaholm ja üks selle tootja \"private car\"
\"Four private cars
Tidaholms Bruk only made four private cars. The first was built in 1911 or 1912, and was used by the management. It had a german Fafnir engine that later was replaced with a more powerful engine of their own production. (To be able to increase the production in the early years, some german Fafnir- and Argus-engines were imported and used in Tidaholm cars. Later all their cars had engines produced by Tidaholms Bruk.)
The second private car was finished in 1912. Beside being used as a company car it was used as a test car in preface for serie production of private cars.
The third car, also from 1912, was sold to a baron in St Petersburg in Russia. Naturally the name Tidaholm on the front was written with russian letters. It had silver fittings on the body. The top speed was guaranteed to be 60 km/h.
In 1916 the last private car was built, delivered to the fire brigade in Uppsala when they got a new station.\"