Problem with Wolga Front Axle

first I have to say sorry for all my questions in english to all members in the forum witch can\'t speak english....

[Pilt: querlenker2.jpg]

As shown on the photo, I\'m trying to use a Wolga ruler on my Pobeda, first everything seems to be easy, but now I have to less space, to the wheel. The Wolga wheels seem to different in there form also......

Any suggestions, what is the best to do here???? I want to keep the 16\" Wheels.....

I could use the Arms from the Pobeda, witch are 45mm shorter (!9 but this will change the hole geometry.

Or should I use plates under the Wheels to make the hole axle broader?

Probleem Volga esisillaga

Esmalt pean vabandama kõigi foorumiliikmete ees, kes inglise keelt ei oska...

[Pilt: querlenker2.jpg]

Nagu fotol näha, üritan kasutada Volga ??silda/veermikku?? oma Pobeda all. Esmapilgul paistab kõik lihtne, kuid ratta jaoks jääb liialt vähe ruumi. Volga rattad paistavad olema hoopis teise kujuga.

On kellegil soovitusi, mis oleks siin parim lahendus? Tahan säilitada 16\'\' rattaid.

Võiksin kasutada Pobeda ??trumleid/rumme?? mis on 45mm lühemad (kuid see muudaks ühtlasi rataste poldiauke)

Või kasutada hoopis vaheplaate, mis rattad väljapoole viiks?

PS. küsimärkide vahel olevates sõnades ei ole ma päris kindel.

i suppose using custom wheels is OK.

The above-mentioned problem is unfortunatelly true. If you use the front axle from GAZ-21 \"Volga\", then the original 16\" wheel disks will ALWAYS scrape the axle constructions as shown in the picture.

Possible solutions:

1) To make special 4-5 mm thin disk between brake drum and wheel. In the centre - big hole for hub, on the diameter - 5 small holes for wheel bolts.

2) To use Volga 15\" wheels (looks like a little bit different from Pobeda 16\" wheels).

3) To use some washers / middle plate between the hub and steer lever (there are 2 bolts). (To make a little modified steer lever is a little bit complicated.)


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, kuni 18. maini 2025 oleme avatud eelneval kokkuleppel

I tried to get some Information about the hole Theme...

[Pilt: Achsschenkellenkung.jpg]

The construction should follow this rules, shown in the picture. The \"ruler construction\" (don\'t know the English word) on the Pobeda is on the front side, so you get a reverse form of the wheel arms. The angle Point depends from the distance between the axles- so if the distance on the Volga would be bigger, the difference would be clear- and in my opinion, it would be better to use the Pobeda arms..... I will check this, by measuring

Could anyone give me the distance between the Volga axles?

Gobi Kirjutas:Could anyone give me the distance between the Volga axles?

Let wait for a week. After that I will measure the actual car.


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, kuni 18. maini 2025 oleme avatud eelneval kokkuleppel

Volga (M-21) has the same wheel base - 2700 mm. Trust me, this gometry depends not only of wheelbase, but many other dimensions as well. I even dont know exact mames of all of them.
I had the same problem with one of my Pobeda. And I vote for \"plates under the wheels\".

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