ZIS-154/155 buses in Romania and Estonia

The "Z.I.S. (З.И.С.)"-154 and 155 buses also ride in Romania. "Z.I.S. (З.И.С.)"-154 was in fact an electrobus (an bus powered by an diesel-electric engine). The 154 model I think that runed only in the Capital, Bucureşti (Bucuharest) - where I leave - but since I'm only 23 years old I never meet them.
Some 154 and 155 here:
And in the small picture that I attached you can see a 155 in Ploieşti, capital of Prahova county
We also had "Z.I.L. (З.И.Л.)"-158, but the version made by "Li.A.Z. (Ли.А.З.)".
How those buses where: bad or good; the where noisy? The intresting fact was that the metal body was rivited, not welded!!!
In Romania we have an 155 bad condition - it was 1 of the 2 television reportage bus bringed in February 1957 (Romanian televsion started broadcasting for the audience on 31st of December, 1956).

I think the 154 and 155 models where inspiered by some of these buses:

Manustatud failid Pisipilt (pisipildid)

Please, you can tell me the opininos about my posts in Enghlish or Romanian!

djl Kirjutas:Please, you can tell me the opininos about my posts in Enhlish or Romanian!

It is an Estonian Oldtimer's forum. I'm afraid that here no one can understand and write Romanian. By the way, I'm not sure that all users here can write English freely.

In general, thank you very much for the information and photos about the old buses in Romania.


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, oleme septembri lõpuni avatud L.P 11-18

Well, I entered here because I'm trying to get as more information as I can about the "Z.I.S."-154 dieselelectrobus, "Z.I.S."-155 bus. In Romania is hard to find thenical information about "Z.I.S. (З.И.C.)" 154 and 155beacuse the Transport Autonumus Administartionas (or, unleass the R.A.T.B. - The Bucharest Transport Autonomus Administration) don't let you too look on theyr arhaives; I've tryed too give a 2nd look on the book with the History of R.A.T.B. (Regia Autonomă de Transport Bucureşti), but, since I'm not an empoyee of R.A.T.B. they didn't let mee look on that book; I've tryed at U.R.T.P. (Uniunea omână a Transrtatoril Publici - The Romanian Union of Public Trnapsorters), but they didn't let me to look on that book, because I'm not a member. It was an arhive of R.A.T.A./I.R.T.A./I.T.A., but they've moved that arhive in a place where you can't acess it (maybe I could find some more infos about the buses mounted on "Z.I.S."-150 truck chassie), and the place where they are keeping that arhive is full of mould.
In conclusion, just Romania... words written by a Romanian!

If you have more infos about "Z.I.S. (З.И.C.)" 154, 155 and 127 or "MTB (MTБ )"-82 D (Д ) trolleybus (especially schmetics), please send it to me at: nationalvs@yahoo.com or zemunik4@yahoo.com; I.D. messenger: nationalvs

Best regards, Ştefan (Stefan) (Штефaн ).

djl Kirjutas:Well, I entered here because I'm trying to get as more information as I can about the "Z.I.S."-154 dieselelectrobus, "Z.I.S."-155 bus.

As I know, here in Estonia at most one almost complete ZIS-155 has survived, owned by one oldtimer-enthusiast and is waiting for the restoration. You can see some pictures at http://www.automoto.ee/galerii/view_albu...ame=zis155

And additionaly some ZIS-155 wrecks somwhere.

What concerns more interesting electrotransmission-featured town bus ZIS-154, than I'm afraid that in Estonia no more exists the complete or almost complete bus. There has been only rumors about the one chassis and carosserie in quite bad condition...


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, oleme septembri lõpuni avatud L.P 11-18

Wabandan aga eesti keelele wõiks tagasi minna.

PETSS Kirjutas:Wabandan aga eesti keelele wõiks tagasi minna.

OK, minu eelmise vastuse tõlge eesti keelde. The translation of my previous answer to Estonian.

Niipalju kui ma tean, on Eestis säilinud vähemalt üks enam-vähem komplektne ZIS-155. Buss on ühe vanatehnikaharrastaja omanduses ning ootab restaureerimist. Mõningaid pilte saab vaadata aadressilt http://www.automoto.ee/galerii/view_albu...ame=zis155

Lisaks on teada siin-seal mõned ZIS-155 vrakid.

Mis puudutab huvitavamat elektrilise transmissiooniga linnaliinibussi ZIS-154, siis ma kardan, et Eestis ei ole enam alles ühtki komplektset või enam-vähem komplektset bussi. On käinud vaid jutud ühest üsna halvas seisus olevast šassiist-kerest.


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, oleme septembri lõpuni avatud L.P 11-18

Tartus on nii ZIS 154 kui ka 155 vrakk. ZIS 154t on pildistada peaaegu võimatu, asub kahe maja vahel, kasutusel garaažina. ZIS 155 uuemad pildid siin, seda isendit vist enam kauaks ei ole:

Seltsimehed, ka minu poolt ühe vraki pildid. Asukoht Põlva mk.
20 aasta eest väidetavalt olla seal selliseid 2tk veel olnud.

Vahekokkuvõttena :

ZIS - 154 : 1 Tartus
ZIS - 155 : 1 Viljandi mk, 1 Tartus ja 1 Põlva mk
ZIL - 158 : 1 Harju mk

Kasutaja, kes vaatavad seda teemat: 1 külali(st)ne