Buses On Board MS Estonia

Hi I'm a new user from Finland and cannot write in Estonian.

Here we have recently discussed on one Finnish Forum which buses were
on Board MS Estonia the night the vessel sank.

Does anybody here have any idea ? We are especially interested in those
buses which had previously been in use in Finland.

I Understand that this seems to be a question of little value if you think about the number of people who missed their lives- may them rest in peace!!!

But some of us are keeping lists of the buses of Finnish bus companies and we also put the history of the buses after it has left Finland, if we know about it, to our company lists.

Tõlgiksin siis selle teksti eestlastele arusaadavamasse keelde kui on vigu palun parandage.

Tsitaat:Hi I'm a new user from Finland and cannot write in Estonian.

Here we have recently discussed on one Finnish Forum which buses were
on Board MS Estonia the night the vessel sank.

Does anybody here have any idea ? We are especially interested in those
buses which had previously been in use in Finland.

I Understand that this seems to be a question of little value if you think about the number of people who missed their lives- may them rest in peace!!!

But some of us are keeping lists of the buses of Finnish bus companies and we also put the history of the buses after it has left Finland, if we know about it, to our company lists.

Tere, ma olen uus kasutaja Soomest ja ei oska eesti keelt.

Meil oli hiljuti arutelu ühes Soome foorumis, et mis bussid olid M/S Estonia pardal aluse hukuööl.

Kas kellelgi on aimu või andmeid? Eriti oleks huvitatud nendest, mis ennemalt olid kasutusel Soomes.

Ma mõistan et see on tähtsusetu küsimus, kui mõelda palju inimesi jättis oma elu sinna- puhaku nad rahus!!!

Aga mõned meist peavad nimekirjasid Soome firmade busside eluloo üle, ka peale seda kui nad ostetakse Soomest. Oleks hea täiendada ajalugu.

There was one bus on board on the regular route Tallinn - Stokholm - Oslo(?), from AS Mootorreisid (or what was the name of the Eurolines company that time...). The fleet number of that bus was 3025. I have some pictures of this bus, of course before September 1994. I do not know the origin of that bus, but certainly it was not from Finland.

I have not heard anything about other buses on board that day.

Thanks for the translation Smile

The Finnish bus-fans seem to be almost certain and of the same opinion that this bus at least was there- picture from ELKA( the Finnish Database of pictures of Finnish industry) - built originally for Pohjolan Liikenne and then sold to Estonia:

and then a bus Company called " Linjaliikenne Röman " had rented a
bus to an Unknown Estonian Bus-Operator. Röman doesn't exist any more because it was bought by Pohjolan Turistiauto(PTA). , but the story goes that this bus was on board:

Röman nr:43 XJP-943 Volvo B10M Delta Star 50 1985

And that's just about everything that we here "know or seem to know"- because no facts are involved-but it's  very
convenient that you have replied to my message. I think I have read
somewhere that there were ca 20 buses on board that night- I say again that is a delicate matter of no great importance and having talked with you Estonians during my visits to your beautiful country and here during your visits to Finland this a subject you don't want to talk about very much, because so many of you knew personally someone ....

Anyway; if you have any questions at all concerning buses from Finland which are nowadays in Estonia I will do my best to get answers and information about them for you Smile

Tore,kui keegi selle ka Eesti keelde tõlgiks. Huvitaks ennast ka,mis bussid Estonia pardal tookord olid.

Vahetan käiku enne mootori piiraja sekkumist...

Ozzy2007 Kirjutas:The Finnish bus-fans seem to be almost certain and of the same opinion that this bus at least was there- picture from ELKA( the Finnish Database of pictures of Finnish industry) - built originally for Pohjolan Liikenne and then sold to Estonia:
It seems that I have been wrong saying that this 3025 was not from Finland. I think 3025 was just the same bus!! But sorry, I have to fly to Warszawa in 10 minutes, back on Sunday, then we can go on with this matter.

Bussijuht jäi ellu ve.See Stockholmi bussi juht.

Ozzy2007 Kirjutas:Thanks for the translation Smile

The Finnish bus-fans seem to be almost certain and of the same opinion that this bus at least was there- picture from ELKA( the Finnish Database of pictures of Finnish industry) - built originally for Pohjolan Liikenne and then sold to Estonia:

and then a bus Company called " Linjaliikenne Röman " had rented a
bus to an Unknown Estonian Bus-Operator. Röman doesn't exist any more because it was bought by Pohjolan Turistiauto(PTA). , but the story goes that this bus was on board:

Röman nr:43 XJP-943 Volvo B10M Delta Star 50 1985

And that's just about everything that we here "know or seem to know"- because no facts are involved-but it's  very
convenient that you have replied to my message. I think I have read
somewhere that there were ca 20 buses on board that night- I say again that is a delicate matter of no great importance and having talked with you Estonians during my visits to your beautiful country and here during your visits to Finland this a subject you don't want to talk about very much, because so many of you knew personally someone ....

Anyway; if you have any questions at all concerning buses from Finland which are nowadays in Estonia I will do my best to get answers and information about them for you Smile
Tänan tõlke eest.

Soome bussifännid tunduvad olevat peaaegu kindlad, et vähemasti see buss oli seal - pilt ELKA-st (Soome andmebaas Soome tööstuse piltidest) - algselt ehitatud Pohjolan Liikennele ja hiljem müüdud Eestisse:

ja siis "Linjaliikenne Röman" nimeline bussifirma oli rentinud bussi ühele teadmata Eesti bussifirmale. Römanit enam ei ole, sest selle ostis Pohjolan Turistiauto (PTA), aga jutud käivad, et see buss oli pardal.

Röman nr:43 XJP-943 Volvo B10M Delta Star 50 1985

Ja see siis on kõik mida me siin "teame või arvame end teadvat", sest ühtegi fakti ei ole teada, kuid see on väga veenev, et te mu sõnumile vastasite. Ma olen kusagilt lugenud, et tol ööl oli laeva pardal ca 20 bussi. Ma ütlen veelkord, et see on delikaatne asi, millel ei ole erilist tähtsust ja olles rääkinud eestlastega külastades ise teie kaunist riiki ja teie külaskäikudel Soome. See on teema, millest te ei taha eriti rääkida, kuna väga paljud teist tundsid isiklikult kedagi...

Igatahes kui kellelgi on küsimusi Soome päritolu busside kohta, mis hetkel Eestis on, siis annan oma parima, et leida neile vastused ja informatsiooni teile edastadaSmile

Got a better picture of that one. Picture by Joxa (Jouko Nykänen)- from a bus Exhibition
[Pilt: th_65635_170_9AOJ-1700_estonia_122_378lo.jpg]

Keegi türnühvel oli kunagi ratsimishoos saksa 10T pütil väljalaotusosa maha lõiganud ja kadunud. Ostsime kastmis- ja mürgivee veoks. Taha keevitasime ilumnaatoriga laevakere tüki. Tugev ja tihe sai. Abja saeveskist vedas lauapakke Rootsi ka Rapla rekamees Toobal. Tol ööl toakaaslased aitasid ta iluminaatori kaudu välja. Ise järgi ei tulnud...No pidi Estonia aken suurem olema- siit ei mahu minutaoline kilu miskitmoodi välja.[undefined http://static1.nagi.ee/i/p/864/53/216132...=undefined]

Kasutaja, kes vaatavad seda teemat: 2 külali(st)ne