Swedish bicycle collector joining!

The subject of swedish bikes in Estonia is so interesting that i´m thinking about writing an article in the Cycle Historic Club of Swedens journal, called Velocipeden. I find it interesting that special models, i. e chromed rims and mudguards, were made for the estonian market.

Can anyone give me more info on how many bikes where imported and during what time period? Why are there so many around 1939?
How many are left? What brands were imported?

I send along some picture of my Drott bike, it´s very similar to Hermes, Crescent, Vega, Nordstjernan and other Nymans made bikes at the mid 30´s. Despite the same frame they made sure to personalise it to make it separate from the other brands.

The chainguard, the front fender mascot, the chainwheel and ornaments are unique for Drott. This bike was originally a sportier type of bike called a tourist racer. It had the chainguard from the gent´s bikes and it was equipped with a racer handle bar, narrow racer saddle and front wheel brake, although it was common to "civilise" this type of bikes when they got a couple a years old. In everyday use, the racer handle bar would not be so practical...

Manustatud failid Pisipilt (pisipildid)

(10-03-2012, 18:12 PM)kass Kirjutas:  
(09-03-2012, 12:26 PM)valdo Kirjutas:  Generally for Estonian market Swedish bicycle factories produced black bicycles with chromium-plated mudguards and rims.

One of my Hermes frames (without audentic nr.) had painted narrow mudguards with the "sides", the first one looks


Another had narrow painted "ordinary" rear mudguard with only narrow gold stripes (I must check it out , may be I lie and it wasn´t from Hermes?).

I continue with my hermes mudguards Toungue


Yes, this one is from Hermes too. And painted and bouth are narrow, 48 - 49 mm, perhaps they had rims for tyres with wire, not "vulstfelge"?
And no stripes have survived, only very little gold ones (not narrow, it´s seems, but can´t find any red colour).

(11-03-2012, 21:35 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  Can anyone give me more info on how many bikes where imported and during what time period? Why are there so many around 1939?
How many are left? What brands were imported?

I would like to give more info, but I haven´t. Sad
What brands were imported - that is the easy question. As I said, main brands were Husqvarna, Monark, Hermes, Crescent, Vega (had the main dealer in Estonia Arnold Ungerson and he put his labels to the Vegas but there were not this labels on other Nymans bikes, they had other dealers). And Nordstjernan army and perhaps civilian bikes...
The quantity of the bikes in Estonia made a great rise in the second part of 1930-s. The number of 1939-s Nyman bikes can be connected with some dealer who exported them from Sweden? Perhaps there was something with the export from Germany in 1939???
We haven´t look the Husqvarnas and Monarks production years yet?
And some of the 1939-s bikes were so new before the beginning of the soviet occupation and war between Soviet Union and Germany and thei were hided and so they survived till our days?
The Husqvarnas were sold in Estonia already in the first part of 1930-s and perhaps in 1920-s too, there is a commercial in Estonian language from Otto Eggers who sold Husqvarnas type Nr. 101 with rear hubs "Rapid N" or "MIKADO". (The prices are written by hand and thei are in est. marks, it means it is before the 1926, then the est. kroons became).The mudguards and "westwood" rims (colour Nr. 9) were black with gold stripes...
(I have 2 lists and i guess there must be some more, about the lady´s model too..)

What we have about the import bikes

1936 were imported 9874 bikes, registrated were 102757
1937 21058 132090
1938 28088 161313
1939 7 months 21983

We can find the dealers of some Swedish brands in Estonia from the commercials.

Hello Andreas!

Here are some more details about Swedish brands in Estonian market. I have made some research on makes of bicycles sold in Estonia before WWII. It is based mostly on commercial advertisements published in newspapers, magazines etc. So no official records or archive data. The time-frame is not a definitive period of importing or selling of a particular brand, but only reflects the years from where I have found advertisements.

The makes that were advertised as Swedish:

APOLLO: advertised in 1937-1939
ATLANTIC (?): 1939
CAMPING (?): 1937-1938
CRESCENT: 1926, 1938-1939
HERMES: 1928-1933, 1938-1940
HUSQVARNA: 1922-1940
MONARK (incl. Monark, Monark-Cyklon, Monark-Scout & Scout, Monark-Sport): 1938-1939
NORDSTJERNAN: 1931, 1937-1939
SKANDIA: 1930, 1938-1939
SVECIA: 1939
ZENITH: 1939
VEGA: 1938-1940
VESTA: 1931
WIKING: 1938-1939
WIKLUNDS: 1932-1938

Husqvarna’s dealer or sales representative was in 1920ies „Otto Eggers“ and in 1930ies „AS Tormolen & Ko“.
The dealer of Hermes was „OÜ Systema“ in 1929-1933 and „KM Anton Villberg“ in 1938-1939.
„KM Anton Villberg“ also sold Camping (1937-1938), Nordstjernan (1931, 1937), Pilen-Göteborg (1937), Wiklunds (1932-1936), Polstjernan (1931) and Vesta (1931).
In 1939 Wiking, Skandia and Nordstjernan were sold by „KM Lier & Rossbaum“.
The dealer of Crescent in 1926 was „OÜ Phönix“, in 1938 „KK Kütt & Ko“.
Vega was sold by „KK Arnold Ungerson“, Apollo by „OÜ Systema“.

I have not met a Drott-brand, but August Küttim advertised selling bikes called „Idrott“ and „Jarott“ in different ad’s in 1931-1932 (in 1931 he also sold makes A. Küttim, Splendid, L.B.C., Dollar USA, Royal and Paladin). Küttim had a bicycle shop and a small workshop where he assembled bikes from „Swedish and British steel tubes“. So it could have been his own brand or it was a typo and he really sold a Drott after all.

Hi Manic! This list of yours are very interesting and also mysterious… I have checked all the brands that I did not hear of before and also the “generic” ones. I have searched this forum for the brands and came up with some threads.

Generally, I think that regarding the “anonymous” or “small” brands, they where not made by local dealers or workshop who share the same name, because if they did, they would not be anonymous. The small shops often stated the makers name and village/town.

Many name like Scout, Ideal, Snabb etc were brand used by different makers and shops all over the country with no connection to each other. They just took a name that sounded positive, meaning thing like “fast” “record” or “safe”. Often there were geographic, mythologic or astronomic names.

The large factorys often had brands named similar to the small ones, most certainly unintended, but with no record of the maker. The reason could be many, like if they made a low-priced bike with lower quality, you did not want to soil the factory or the other brand names down. Another reason would be that dealers often where authorized and the only in a small town or village that could sell that particular brand. In order to deliver to other retailers in the same village, they just named the bike something else.

Ver often, this anonymous brands had no ornaments, simpler pinstriping, standard chainwheel, no-name chainguard and so on.

All the big makers like Husqvarna, Nymans, Monark, Rex etc had anonymous brand without stating the maker, or in some cases as seen with the “scout” brand they actually stated the maker, or sometimes “svenskt fabrikat”, “svensk tillverkning” meaning swedish brand and “made in Sweden”

The brand “skandia” is interesting since it says “Made in Sweden” This means that it was intended for export from the beginning, or in would certainly said “svenskt fabrikat”, “svensk tillverkning” in Swedish, not English.

The shape and design of the brands nameplate Skandia, Scout and Wiking is typical of a lowpriced bike, this plates were probably made by a factory making nameplates, pins, medallions etc called Sporrong. They still exist, they there founded in 1666!
Sometimes this name plates where bought in Germany, or by other makers.

Based on the name plates similar design, the look of the lampholder and chainwheel, i say that all of these 3 brands where probably made by Monark in Varberg.

Here´s comments about the brands that you listed, this is only from my knowledge and findings, i will check with name plate collectors that i know if they have any clue who made them.

APOLLO: advertised in 1937-1939. Apollo was a well known brand, not so very old though, were founded 1934, the made bicycles, moped and motorcycles. Where bought by Nymans in 1956.

ATLANTIC (?): 1939. Never heard of, there is one brand named atlantic made by Velociped- & Mek. Verkstaden Hansa. Stockholm, but I doubt that this is the same.

CAMPING (?): 1937-1938. I have seen one long time ago, and also a a broschure, not stating the maker, sadly..

CRESCENT: 1926, 1938-1939
HERMES: 1928-1933, 1938-1940.
HUSQVARNA: 1922-1940
MONARK (incl. Monark, Monark-Cyklon, Monark-Scout & Scout, Monark-Sport): 1938-1939
NORDSTJERNAN: 1931, 1937-1939

All of the above is well-known, old factorys of bikes. Monark was the youngest of them, the name Monark was first used in about 1917.

PILEN-GÖTEBORG (?): 1937. Can not find anything about Pilen, Göteborg, pilen means ”arrow” and were commonly used as a brand name among both small loclal makers and larger ones.

POLSTJERNAN: 1931. Another brand from Wiklunds, the maker of Nordstjernan. Meaning North star and Pole star.

SKANDIA: 1930, 1938-1939. Se earlier comment about this brand.
SVECIA: 1939. No clear indication who made this, there were several small and large Svecia.

ZENITH: 1939. No record found of this brand other than local makers, who probably didn´t make this one.

VEGA: 1938-1940: Well known maker from Linköping

VESTA: 1931. Another brand from Wiklunds, the maker of Nordstjernan. This brandname were only used on ladies bikes.

WIKING: 1938-1939. Se earlier comment about this brand.

WIKLUNDS: 1932-1938. Not a brand, but a factory.

The Drott and the Idrott brands ar not the same, the Drott was a well established originally low priced bike by Lindblads. Drott is an older word meaning "king". Idrott means "sports" or "gymnastics"

Have seen labels MARATON Hälsingborg in Estonia.

(12-03-2012, 17:14 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Have seen labels MARATON Hälsingborg in Estonia.

I have remains of this bicycle - frame with label, saddle, remains of wheels etc... Probably 1929 or 1930.


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, kuni 18. maini 2025 oleme avatud eelneval kokkuleppel

A little bit out of current discussion but in sweden you still have got a lot of really nice and quite reasonably-priced ancient bikes :


Was this "Bernh.Berg & Co" some small-time manufacturer or a bigger company ?

Suur Kombinaator

(12-03-2012, 20:27 PM)Ostap Bender Kirjutas:  A little bit out of current discussion but in sweden you still have got a lot of really nice and quite reasonably-priced ancient bikes :


Im also surprised to see this rather cheap bikes, though in poor condition. Few of this age is seen on advertisment nowadays.
Was this "Bernh.Berg & Co" some small-time manufacturer or a bigger company ? Check this link, translate it via google, as you can see it was a quite old and rather large brand.

(12-03-2012, 18:00 PM)valdo Kirjutas:  
(12-03-2012, 17:14 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Have seen labels MARATON Hälsingborg in Estonia.

I have remains of this bicycle - frame with label, saddle, remains of wheels etc... Probably 1929 or 1930.

Very interesting badge, Valdo! I find no record of it despite looking in to books and on internet. Maraton was all well-knowned brand situated in Malmö, not Helsingborg. Since it does not look at all like maraton from malmö, and dont have a maker stamped on it, i guess that it was maybe a export brand, where somebody maybe took advantage of the good name of maraton. I will check this with badge collectors that i meet this weekend.


MARATON and probably Estonian? TEMPO lables

(13-03-2012, 13:04 PM)kass Kirjutas:  MARATON and probably Estonian? TEMPO lables

It´s the same badge, maybe both are swedish then?

(13-03-2012, 22:05 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  
(13-03-2012, 13:04 PM)kass Kirjutas:  MARATON and probably Estonian? TEMPO lables

It´s the same badge, maybe both are swedish then?

Could be but there are lot of examples when our local workshops have clearly used better-known foreign headbadge shapes to start and promote their self-mounted bicycles made from proprietary catalogue parts. Supposedly such type of "loans" were more common in the beginning of 30-es.
As I recall this referred "Tempo" ladies bicycle was not of typical swedish type ?

Suur Kombinaator

since i only seen the tempo headbadge, not the whole bike, i cant say if the bike is swedish or not. Since maraton hälsingborg are not recorded, maybe it is a local "fake" ? this is supported by the fact that the badge totally differs from the ordinary maraton malmö badge. interesting theory!


(13-03-2012, 22:05 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  
(13-03-2012, 13:04 PM)kass Kirjutas:  MARATON and probably Estonian? TEMPO lables

It´s the same badge, maybe both are swedish then?

They are only similar but two different badges as You can see if You will look!
More similar badges in topic
one Swedish eagle too.

(13-03-2012, 23:09 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  since i only seen the tempo headbadge, not the whole bike, i cant say if the bike is swedish or not. Since maraton hälsingborg are not recorded, maybe it is a local "fake" ? this is supported by the fact that the badge totally differs from the ordinary maraton malmö badge. interesting theory!

Pictures of the TEMPO in topic
We think that it is Estonian-made bike, was sold 1938-39 by Estonian bike producer Saar and has Saar´s frame nr XXXX but had Novo hube (as another bike FAMOS what was sold by Saar too and looks very "saar" and has number XXXX). Other Estonian bikes had F&S Torpedo or NSU hubes).


This bike does not like a swedish one at all, so it´s probably estonian.

(13-03-2012, 23:12 PM)kass Kirjutas:  ..another bike FAMOS what was sold by Saar too and looks very "saar" and has number XXXX). Other Estonian bikes had F&S Torpedo or NSU hubes).

(14-03-2012, 11:11 AM)andybee Kirjutas:  This bike does not like a swedish one at all, so it´s probably estonian.

This FAMOS bicycle (frame no 8031, now in my private collection) is indeed an Estonian bike, made by Saar Bicycle Factory probably in late 1940 or early 1941. I believe that because of war time there was a lack of Torpedo hubs and there were some Swedish Novo hubs (as spare parts?) available in factory. And in these reasons the Novo hub was mounted to this bicycle.


Eesti Jalgrattamuuseumi  looja ja eestvedaja
Tutvustame jalgratta ajalugu Eesti vaates, väljas on üle 185 muuseumiväärtusega ratta
Asume Kesk-Eestis Väätsal Pikk 9, kuni 18. maini 2025 oleme avatud eelneval kokkuleppel

(14-03-2012, 12:19 PM)valdo Kirjutas:  This FAMOS bicycle (frame no 8031, now in my private collection) is indeed an Estonian bike, made by Saar Bicycle Factory probably in late 1940 or early 1941. I believe that because of war time there was a lack of Torpedo hubs and there were some Swedish Novo hubs (as spare parts?) available in factory. And in these reasons the Novo hub was mounted to this bicycle.

And TEMPO is from 1939 or smth? And the other Saar models from this period have Torpedo and some the Saar (later Säde) hubs, haven`t seen Novo on other models?


(11-03-2012, 21:35 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  Can anyone give me more info on how many bikes where imported and during what time period? Why are there so many around 1939?
How many are left? What brands were imported?

One more list...about stolen bikes 1933 - 36 what were desired by Estonian Police.
Postitus : # 5 in topic
(varastatud jalgrataste nimekiri).
There You can see, that before 1937 the estonian bicicle thieves could get only Husqvarna and Wiklund, no Nymans production - Hermes, Crescent, Vega... Perhaps You will find there some more Sweden bikes.


(28-02-2012, 21:49 PM)kass Kirjutas:  Next item, is it Swedish one?
The distance between the holes of the emblem is 47 mm.

The hub was NOVO with 622 "ordinary" rim.

Okey, this must be Soumi/Finland CRESENT EXTRA, Oy G.L. Hasselblat Ab, Vaasa 1910-50

(12-03-2012, 13:58 PM)andybee Kirjutas:  The Drott and the Idrott brands ar not the same, the Drott was a well established originally low priced bike by Lindblads. Drott is an older word meaning "king". Idrott means "sports" or "gymnastics"

In Finland there was brand name IDROTT, Koneliike Oskari Tuomi, Turku 1910...1950. And in Finland they had their Hermes, Herkules, Gresent, Grand, Express, Cresent, Skandia, Diamant, Elite, All Right, Pohjantähti, Pohjolan Tähti, Polstjärnan, Maraton and so on...


HERMES commercial from magazin

Some Swedish - type chain-wheels/sprocets, what brands?

Some "Monark-type" (Sport, Scout, ) ... Finnish lables

(28-03-2012, 09:34 AM)kass Kirjutas:  HERMES commercial from magazin

Some Swedish - type chain-wheels/sprocets, what brands?

Some "Monark-type" (Sport, Scout, ) ... Finnish lables
Regarding chainwheels:

1st one: never seen this pattern before, does not “feel” Swedish to me.
2 one: seen similar types on Swedish bikes, is “neutral” as far as I know.
3.the one in the middle and the left ones remind the of german types. The one to the right looks like a Hermes and later Crescent except for the mounting hole for the crank.
4 & 5: looks American, at least the crank is originating from the Fauber crank, the straight edges instead of a round crank is typical for American crank around 1900-1920`s

Regarding badges:
The badges may be of Swedish origin like Sporrong or maybe german. This design is common and many small makers used them


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