Petturitest automüüjad.

Ma sattusin sama skeemi otsa.

Sirvisin laupäeva hommikul ja jäi silma auto mille kuulutuse juures oli väga minimaalselt infot, oli ainult mark, mudel, vl aasta ja üks pilt. Müüja asukohariigiks oli märgitud Itaalia. Kuna hind oli utoopiliselt madal, siis huvipärast saatsin talle otse mobliest maili, paludes ainult saata mulle auto kohta rohkem infot ja pilte, muud ostuhuvi üles ei näidanud.

Ei läinud poolt tundigi, kui oli postkastis järgmine vastus:

Hello First of all you must know that right now Im located in Dumfries, United Kingdom due to my job and the car will be shipped from here. It is very difficult for me to drive the car with the steering wheel on the left side in United Kingdom, so I`m forced to sell it. I bought this car while I was working in Italy, now I am back to United Kingdom and I want to sell it. The car it is registered in Italy, has all papers written in italian. The car is in perfect condition inside and outside as well. Never involved in any accidents, no scratches and always garage keep. I never smoke in it and i want to sell it to a serious person who will take very good care of it. The car have the steering wheel on the left side. It will come with a clear title, bill of sale signed by me as well and all the papers (including the original manuals and keys) that you will need to register it under your name. If you decide to buy my car I can arrange the delivery to your country and a 5 days inpsection period. I would like to inform you that we will use an International Shipping Company for insurance. In United Kingdom this shipping company is very popular and trust worthy. Let me know if you agree and I will provide you all details regarding shipment and payment. Waiting for your answer! Best regards!

Tegelikult ju ühelegi minu küsimusele ei vastatud ja loomulikult ei saadetud ka ühtegi pilti. Kirjutasin siis lühidalt uuesti, et palun saatke autost veel pilte ja varustuse nimekiri.
Tuli uus vastus Big Grin

Hello, The car is located in Dumfries, UK, the total price for the car including shipping taxes is XXXX Eur, I will leave the car under the custody of the company, they will handle the payment and shipment, The shipper will notify you about payment details and shipping arrangements, you will have to send the warranty deposit to them (50%), when the car will arrive at your destination the inspection period will begin. In these 5 days you can test drive the car and if by any chance the car will not be as you expect you can return it and you will be refunded in total. The shipper will pick it up and return it to UK, if your decision will be positive you can sign the sale papers and the shipping company will send me the money for the car. I hope you understand the procedure and if you agree we can start by sending me your name and address to start the shipping process. Phone: 00447438993695 Thanks

Iseenesest tundub skeem väga lihtne. Proovitakse huviliselt varastada pool auto maksumusest.
Kuna konkreetse auto mudeli kohta tegelikult ühtegi täpset kirjeldust pole, siis ilmselt on tegemist juba varem kokku kirjutatud tekstiga, mis sobiks vastamiseks ükskõik millisele kuulutusele.
Soovitan olla ettevaatlik kõigil.

Sõnumeid selles teemas
Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: denis23 - 13-06-2011, 23:05 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: argo1974 - 14-06-2011, 00:06 AM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: ryblik1 - 14-06-2011, 17:59 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: denis23 - 14-06-2011, 18:22 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: dad - 14-06-2011, 19:00 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: agaa - 15-06-2011, 22:44 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: supp - 15-06-2011, 22:58 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: agaa - 16-06-2011, 09:06 AM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: motamees - 16-06-2011, 09:48 AM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: dad - 16-06-2011, 22:04 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: Regardman - 16-06-2011, 22:16 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: hulgus - 15-06-2011, 23:32 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: Tegelane5 - 16-06-2011, 09:53 AM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: tonis - 16-06-2011, 18:37 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: urmet48 - 16-06-2011, 22:57 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: valdo - 16-06-2011, 23:06 PM
RE: Petturitest automüüjad. - Autor: hulgus - 16-06-2011, 23:56 PM

Kasutaja, kes vaatavad seda teemat: 16 külali(st)ne