
(26-12-2018, 15:18 PM)ZIL 131 Kirjutas:  Modifitseeritud siinus (kandiline graafik) ei sobi nii mõnelegi elektroonilisele laadijale. On odavam. Siinus (laineline) on ok. On hinnalisem. Juhtme ruudud, kaitsmed jne. on puhas füüsika.

 Siin on ära selgitatud mispärast see nii on:
Tsitaat:The Dell laptop power supply almost certainly contains Active Power Factor Correction circuitry. This means that the current waveform drawn by the power supply closely matches the voltage waveform. As if the power supply was a simple load like a heating element.
Advantages are a smaller high voltage storage capacitor can be used inside the power supply, far lower harmonics on the mains input. As power is almost always been fed into the storage capacitor, instead of only at the peaks of the AC waveform.
By using such a power supply on modified sine wave power, you have almost certainly destroyed the active PFC circuit. and the power supply is now behaving as if it no longer has active PFC. As a result, the power supply now requires a much larger storage capacitor, due to only being fed at the peaks of the waveform. This explains why the power supply is somewhat working, but unable to supply it's full rated power.

 Ehk siis Dell või misiganes kvaliteetlaadija, millel on hea võimsustegur kuna tarbib kogu siinust aga on seetõttu palju keerukam. Ning mis on tavavõrgus väga hea, siis selle ristküliku kujulise siinuse jaoks ta pole mõeldud ning ei toimi õieti.
 Samas, mõni vanem või vuffel laadija, mis tarbib ainult tipu pinget toimiks ilusti  Big Grin  See mis LEDi teemas soome keeles selgitatuna oli halb (lihtne alaldi ja kondekas tavavõrgus) oleks antud juhul ainult plussiks.

You see, pal, Elvis can´t read a contract.
All he knows is, no Ferrari, no rides with the top down.

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RE: Inverter - Autor: ZIL 131 - 26-12-2018, 15:18 PM
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