16-01-2019, 20:05 PM
Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error-i kohta saate täpsemat infot oma virtuaalserveri kataloogis "logs" asuvast failist error_log.
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
More information about this error is available in the server error_log file located in your virtual server's "logs" directory.
Apache / ZoneOS Server at forum.automoto.ee Port 443
Ikka pakub pidevalt sellist jampsi,on see siis päeval kell 12 või öösel kell 3.
Internal Server Error-i kohta saate täpsemat infot oma virtuaalserveri kataloogis "logs" asuvast failist error_log.
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
More information about this error is available in the server error_log file located in your virtual server's "logs" directory.
Apache / ZoneOS Server at forum.automoto.ee Port 443
Ikka pakub pidevalt sellist jampsi,on see siis päeval kell 12 või öösel kell 3.