16-02-2023, 10:53 AM
(16-02-2023, 10:28 AM)Jesper Kirjutas:Vabandust, kas ise lugesid tekste, millel viitasid?(16-02-2023, 09:40 AM)karlarnold Kirjutas: See on keerutamine, teemast mööda. Värske otsus piirab mingit liiki autode, mitte mingit liiki kütuse müügi.Just ristivastupidi, otsuse sõnastus on selline, et uute autode CO2 emissioon peab langema 100%. Tehniline teostus, kuidas seda saavutada, on printsiibis vaba: https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/e...022-10-27/
Tsitaat:Negotiators agreed on Thursday that the EU will draft a proposal on how cars that run on "CO2 neutral fuels" could be sold after 2035.
Lihtsalt minu isiklik hinnang on, et seda on sisepõlemismootoriga raske saavutada, sest efektiivsus on madal. Samas näiteks Porsche arvab vastupidi: https://www.ibtimes.com/what-efuel-porsc...es-3649777
Negotiators from the EU countries and the European Parliament, who must both approve new EU laws, as well as the European Commission, which drafts new laws, agreed that carmakers must achieve a 100% cut in CO2 emissions by 2035, which would make it impossible to sell new fossil fuel-powered vehicles in the 27-country bloc.
Kus siin midagi vabaks on jäetud?
Still, the EU law met some resistance when it was proposed in July 2021, with European car industry association ACEA warning against banning a specific technology and calling for internal combustion engines and hydrogen vehicles to play a role in the low-carbon transition.
Autotootjad üritasid vastu vaielda, kuid edutult.
Porche idee on hea, aga ei haaku EU-ga, mõeldud sinna, kus mõõtühikuks gallon.