06-12-2023, 00:11 AM
(05-12-2023, 17:54 PM)13piisab Kirjutas: Nii repliigiks - Aspelund ja v6sa ületavad oma mõtetega jäätmete piiriülese ladustamise osas oma kompetentsi piire. Tuumajäätmed ei ületa praktikas riigipiire ja pole ka Eestisse plaanitava jaama puhul sellist plaani. Punkt.
Usun, et on üsna lihtne tekst ka inglise keeles. Tõlkima ei hakka.
Eesti liitus selle 1997 aastal kokku lepitud konventsiooniga 2006. aastal:
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
1. Each Contracting Party involved in transboundary movement shall take the appropriate steps
to ensure that such movement is undertaken in a manner consistent with the provisions of this
Convention and relevant binding international instruments.
In so doing:
(i) a Contracting Party which is a State of origin shall take the appropriate steps to
ensure that transboundary movement is authorized and takes place only with the prior
notification and consent of the State of destination;
(ii) transboundary movement through States of transit shall be subject to those
international obligations which are relevant to the particular modes of transport
(iii) a Contracting Party which is a State of destination shall consent to a transboundary
movement only if it has the administrative and technical capacity, as well as the
regulatory structure, needed to manage the spent fuel or the radioactive waste in a
manner consistent with this Convention;
(iv) a Contracting Party which is a State of origin shall authorize a transboundary
movement only if it can satisfy itself in accordance with the consent of the State of
destination that the requirements of subparagraph (iii) are met prior to transboundary
(v) a Contracting Party which is a State of origin shall take the appropriate steps to
permit re-entry into its territory, if a transboundary movement is not or cannot be
completed in conformity with this Article, unless an alternative safe arrangement can
be made.
2. A Contracting Party shall not licence the shipment of its spent fuel or radioactive waste to a
destination south of latitude 60 degrees South for storage or disposal.
3. Nothing in this Convention prejudices or affects:
(i) the exercise, by ships and aircraft of all States, of maritime, river and air navigation
rights and freedoms, as provided for in international law;
(ii) rights of a Contracting Party to which radioactive waste is exported for processing to
return, or provide for the return of, the radioactive waste and other products after
treatment to the State of origin;
(iii) the right of a Contracting Party to export its spent fuel for reprocessing;
(iv) rights of a Contracting Party to which spent fuel is exported for reprocessing to
return, or provide for the return of, radioactive waste and other products resulting
from reprocessing operations to the State of origin.