Otsitakse sõitvaid uunikume filmi.

Edasine jutt inglise keeles küll aga ma panen ikkagi.
E-post on neil vehiclesinvision (ät) btconnect punkt com

To Whom It May Concern

I am a contact of Rain Vaikla whom I have been speaking to this week. We are doing a feature film in Latvia and require some 1930-1940\'s Vehicles i.e. Ford Model Y\'s. We have been having problems locating vehicles in the area and now we are close to filming it would be very helpful if you were interested in doing some filming with your Vehicles to contact us as soon as possible.

Please return an e-mail to us or you can phone on 01484-686907, I don\'t know the code from Estonia to the U.K.

Please let us know either way if you can help or not as time is of the most importance.

Many Thanks
Gary Brown
Vehicles in Vision Ltd

Sõnumeid selles teemas
Otsitakse sõitvaid uunikume filmi. - Autor: dad - 18-01-2005, 10:58 AM

Kasutaja, kes vaatavad seda teemat: 1 külali(st)ne