07-11-2001, 23:25 PM
(Seda postitust muudeti viimati: 24-09-2008, 22:54 PM ja muutjaks oli svenson.)
Et minu hallata olev Volga foorumiosa liiga ebamääraseks (nn. läbu kuhjumine) ei läheks, hakkan eos pidama rõhku selliste rohkemate linkide ühte kohta koondamisele, et jutu keskele jääksid vaid väga konkreetsed ja tihedalt kõnega seotud lingid. Kui on mõni link välja pakkuda, siis olge head ja pange see kirja!
Here are all links about GAZ!!!
If you have lots of good web - addresses, please put them into this thread. In Gaz forum mostly on other threads are for written conversation
and here
we mostly chronicle just lots of good web - adresses (GAZ, UAZ ect.) Thank You!
Here are all links about GAZ!!!
If you have lots of good web - addresses, please put them into this thread. In Gaz forum mostly on other threads are for written conversation
and here
we mostly chronicle just lots of good web - adresses (GAZ, UAZ ect.) Thank You!